Well yesterday was the best way a me weekend could possibly ever start. I got a raise! A very decent one too. And to boot they added it on to my paycheck yesterday for the last pay period! All though the extra money is DEFINITELY needed, the thing I like most about the raise is the recognition and appreciation of all my hard work that I do there. *warm fuzzies*
After I cashed my check I drove down to Brownsville and paid the bills I had to pay. Then I went shopping downtown in some of the thrift stores and found a very nice pair of slacks to go out dancing in tonight. You think i would be excited about finding them for four bucks, and I was, but I am more excited to let you know that i went down a pant size! I went down from a 40 to a 38. Yay me! I also picked up a birthday gift for Angie, my children's mother and still a close person to me. It was nothing big. A pair of pajama bottoms, and a hoody jacket that was black with pink and grey hearts on it. Shar joked with me saying how I got angie something I would have gotten her for her birthday ^.^. Hehe the truth is though... they are kind of similar in ways. Extremely different though in all the ones that matter <3.
After some shopping, I dropped off Anige's gift to her and wished her a happy birthday and then headed over to the University to visit the Anime Club. I never get a chance to stop by and see them and they miss me terribly. When I get there I find out its pajama day at the club. My friend Jon who was expecting me to come by had brought a pair of over sized pajamas for me to wear lol. Of course i put them on and joined the fun! I always love the expressions on peoples faces after we talk and then they find out that i am 12 or 13 years older than they are ^.^ I just don't fit their profiles of what an older person should be like I suppose, and that's what I want. I want to be me, not what people think I should be because I am a certain age.
After the club we headed over to my friend Jennifers house where I made dinner for everybuddy. Delicious as always they say. Then we headed out to see Wall-E. OMG, I am soooo in love with that movie! How in the world could I have waited so long to see it!? My kids got to see it with my cousins Denise and Dennis, but I had to work on that day. Anyways, I got teary eyed at the end. Hehe I would have to just tell people I rubbed jalapeno juice in my eyes from the nachos if anyone would have asked lol. I really wish I could have seen that movie with Shar.
Which brings us to today! ^.^ I am looking very forward to going out Dancing tonight with my co workers! They are always inviting me out to go drinking on Saturdays but I never can because I would rather spend the time with my lil ones. But since is my me weekend I begged them to come out dancing with me. They weren't crazy about it at first, but they caved in pretty quickly. The only problem is that I had to pick the club, and I have no clue what is good in McAllen. I picked a place called Dubai's Bar and Grill. Its about a year old. I hope I choose well.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
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