Monday, January 26, 2009

What has happened in the last month....

Wow! Over a month since I posted! I'm almost as bad as shar >.<

Ok I am going to try and fill you in with whats warned... it's sporadic >.<

Well, the trip was everything I hoped for and more. I love shar's family. Lee, I love her to death. Barbra had me very scared at first but I think I grew on her in the end. The scenic drive up there.... gorgeous! The snow was beautiful. Shar got me a bracelet that I absolutely love. She also got very sick. :(. I stayed an another week to help take care of her. All though I would have stayed mostly because I didn't want to go. I met Beth! She is everything I imagined she would be. I love Beth! She Rocks! She took me on a tour of San Francisco. I saw more than I thought I could in a day. My favorite place was the hill that over looked all of San Fran. I can't wait till I am living up with Shar. Then I can call up Beth and we can we can just go chill out on top of the hill and drink Boones and have a good time. ^.^ Micheal... I like Micheal. Irish.... I like Irish too. ^.^ DAVE...was nice to meet because I had NO idea what to expect with him. I like Dave ^.^ ! DAMN THE MAN!!! hehe >.< I definitely got a better idea of what there is to offer up there as far as jobs. I will start my file of applications and begin getting ready for that. Monica, is Shar's boss. I like Monica! ^.^ She also has two gorgeous golden retrievers! OMG those two are precious! Beth has two cats. One's a ... as shar put it.. a bitch, lol, and the other is A.D.D >.< . Shar has three cats. Those are her boys. Louie is her favorite. He is very shy though... or untrusting.. I can't tell. Lee has three dogs which I think are part horse because those suckers are freaking HUGE! They are the sweetest things though. ^.^

When I got back... I was very sad. I smiled only once on that first day. I think it's also part of the reason it has taken me so long to get back on my blog. I am doing much better now and the pang of missing Shar and Gabe has lessened greatly.

Work has been fine. There has been no further mention of me staying with them for as a salaried employee. I think that me staying the third week let them know where my heart is at. They know I love them, but I love Shar much more. Also... the opportunities for me up there are just soo much more.

Most recently, me and Angie (my lil ones mother), have had a closer relationship with in the last week. I am very happy for that. I was in a bad place in my heart and mind and she was there to console me. It was nice and it gave me much hope that things are on the way to healing between us. It's important I think. We need to be great friends if we plan on raising our children jointly. I don't think it can work if we aren't.... at least it wouldn't be healthy for them.

And... thats all I can think of off the top of my head... that's the gist of my last month plus a few days.

1 comment:

Snarfff said...

Yay, you loved us all! Next time you are here perhaps you'll have a chance to meet Paco Taco Mike, though he might be off to grad school by then! If you need help with a resume, let me know! I worked in HR and have done a lot of hiring!