Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's my birthday!

Well... another year older. ^.^ I absolutely thought I was going to pass this birthday quietly. I had seen it in my head as just another day. I am not sure that is going to be the case. I have already had lots of friends wish me happy birthday... and it hadn't even started yet. ^.^ I definitely felt the love. Shar called and sang happy birthday to me at mid night. It meant the world to me....more than she knows. I had also actually gotten a wonderful birthday wish from Angie, Tori's and Johnny's mom. It felt good to hear that from her too. What surprised me most was the wishes from people that I would have not expected and from the ones that I hadn't talked to in a long while. My gift from Elli in Gaia was very much a wonderful surprise as well. My original intentions today was going to spend it playing magic with the guys, but now that I have Jon here , well it's the best gift a father could ask for. Mom is going take me out for Chinese when I get out of work. I am very much looking forward to that. :P As for gifts....I got an early one from Angie... well... she wanted to buy me something at the mall on friday but i didn't see anything... instead I told her I wanted magic cards and she gave me the money for that. ^.^ yayness!

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