Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beating the tireds....

What a wonderful night. I am so thankful of the days when you overcome the tiredness to do something that would be just as easy not to. The kids came in from San Antonio ... a four hour drive... and I was just finishing work and was going to take them to Brownsville... another hour drive. It was Trevor's birthday party today at Sagebrush (a ranch/Montessori school) and they invited us to the party. Its about a twenty min drive in the other direction. I weighed in the options of going vs not going. In the end I decided ... fuck it...lets just do it. And man was I glad. The kids had a blast. They had an obstacle course bouncer and a Water slide bouncer. They had water guns for every kid. I didn't bring bathing suits but they had fun in shorts and i had spare clothes to change them in afterwards from there trip to San Antonio. It was at a ranch/Montessori school. They had hay rides that they went on. We ate hot dogs. My fav was campfire smores! All the kids wanted the ones i made because i made them perfectly golden vs burnt like the other adults making them. lol. ^.^ I ate three of them. We were the last to leave. In the end my coworkers and Lindsay and Tessa and tori where playing in the water bouncer. I wish i had a change of clothes for me cause i so would have jumped in too. Well we ended up getting to Brownsville late because of that. I was hoping Angie would meet me half way because after that i was really tired. Alas, she had no gas. But, it was still good. I got to tuck the kids straight into bed and give them good night kisses. I loved that. So ... today has been all about overcoming the tired and having awesome things happen in return. This to me... is what being a good dad is all about.

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